Friday 11 April 2008


I lost a colleague to death’s cold hands three days ago and it dawned on me that anyone can die at anytime. This was a guy who walked into the hospital with his two legs. Gradually, the sickness deteriorated and he later fell into coma. Now, he’s six feet below the surface of the earth. Such is life…so uncertain.

Perhaps the saddest truth in the whole wide world is that everybody will die one day. I have come to realize that life is a stage where you are only permitted to act your part. When your part is over, you will leave the stage for others to play their parts. Since we are not going to be on life’s stage forever, it is important that we live every minute as if it were the last so that we can achieve something meaningful before we eventually leave the stage.

If your heart stops beating right now, where do you think you will spend your eternity? Will people feel sad about your exit or will they rejoice? What will you be remembered for? Will it be said that a soul benefited from your life or will it be said that you affected the world adversely? Will it be said that you contributed your quota to the development of our world or will it be said that you ended up leaving the world worse than you met it? Will your footprints be left on the sand of time or will your memory fade in no time? It calls for sober reflection.

If you do a thorough analysis, you will realize that you can do better than you’re doing. Beloved, it’s time to make amends. Go back to your drawing board and re-strategize. Map out goals and the plans to realize them. By all means, endeavor to fulfill your purpose before you join your ancestors.

You came to this world alone and you’ll leave alone, so start taking life personal. Start taking life serious. Always see the dawning of a new day as another opportunity to make a difference. Don’t postpone the good you can do now for the morrow. Finish that project. Conclude that assignment. Help that soul. Today’s all you’ve got to make a difference, tomorrow may be too late.

1 comment:

alfina said...

Remarkable post. I really liked it, congratulations for your meaningful words that warmed my heart and taught me again that we need to live every minute in full