Friday 5 October 2007


The cosmos is so complex that even our disposition can affect our destiny. Everybody’s looking for something. Alas, not everyone will get the desired. Unlike in Physics, like terms attract in the real world. Life compensates us in accordance to what we attract; what we deserve. Some will succeed with ease, while failure will inevitably be the portion of some. You may ask...why the inequality? Why not! Action and reaction, they say, are equal and opposite! Have you ever seen anyone reap banana when he planted maize? Impossible; it contradicts the law of sowing and reaping! You can’t simply be threading on the wrong path and then expect that grace will abound. There are principles that work, and there are some that doesn’t. To attract the desired, you must be in tune with the desirable.

According to John C. Maxwell, “You cannot have growth without change.” If you want a different result from life, change is inevitable. Be truthful to yourself; critically examine yourself, and sincerely make the necessary amendments required. Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever the situation may be, I have hope for you…

To the frustrated spinster who needs a fiancé, look no further: You don’t need to do some cosmetic surgery or wear the most expensive jewelry before you attract the right spouse, all you need to do is to be the right person. Face it, a potential king is looking out for a potential queen and not some liability! Change your attitude; your approach to life. Drop habits that are not in your interests. Develop yourself to the full and see if great blokes won’t come seeking for your hand in marriage. You bet!

To the frustrated job seeker, have you ever considered what employers are looking for? What kind of job do you want? Do you have the right mindset for the desired job? Have you got the required skills and temperament? What can a potential employer assume from conversing with you in just ten (10) minutes? All these demand reckoning.

To the success-starved, have you ever considered changing course? A change of career could be all you need and not some deliverance! Are you sure you’re gifted for the vocation you’re in? Look within and identify your talents and then express them.

To the down-trodden…is it that you’re due for promotion but you’re always skipped? Have you ever asked yourself why others get promoted? Do you have the requisite skills and charisma for the coveted position? Or is it that you don’t get to win the juicy contracts? Think, there must be something you’re getting wrong. Study the trend and change your methodology accordingly.

The need for change traverses through every situation; there are no exceptions. Why drown when you can swim? Why waste when you can succeed? Wake up from your slumber; make a u-turn for the good. Don’t retard your growth, right the wrongs. Partner with destiny by contributing your quota.

Think success? Think change.

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